Najan has the following word classes:
- Verbs (fyas)
- Determiners (qa saθ dan, means of instantiation)
- Pronouns (nʊ zax kʊv, borrowed identity)
- Prepositions (qa qac dan, means of relation)
- Conjunctions (qa cob vom, logical operator)
- Particles (lʊg)
Najan has no nouns, adverbs, or adjectives. Verb phrases, pronouns, and determiner phrases can all function as noun phrases. (A verb phrase may be used as a verbal noun phrase without any inflection or other marking.) Prepositional phrases fill the roles of adverbs and adjectives.
Formal Grammar
Najan is a deterministic context-free language whose formal grammar can be expressed in extended Backus-Naur form as follows:
clause ⇒ ⟨mood ᴘᴛᴄʟ⟩ ⟨VP⟩
| ⟨PP⟩ ⟨clause⟩
| ⟨restrictive clause⟩ ⟨clause⟩
| ⟨non-restrictive clause⟩ ⟨clause⟩ᴘʀᴇᴘ phrase (PP) ⇒ ⟨ᴘʀᴇᴘ⟩ ⟨NP⟩
restrictive clause ⇒ nʊ ⟨VP⟩
non-restrictive clause ⇒ vew ⟨VP⟩
verb phrase (VP) ⇒ [ ⟨aspect ᴘᴛᴄʟ⟩ ] ⟨verb⟩
| ma ⟨VP⟩
| ⟨PP⟩ ⟨VP⟩
| ⟨restrictive clause⟩ ⟨VP⟩
| ⟨non-restrictive clause⟩ ⟨VP⟩
| txa ⟨VP⟩
| ⟨ᴄᴏɴᴊ⟩ ⟨VP⟩ ⟨VP⟩noun phrase (NP) ⇒ ⟨VP⟩ | ⟨restricted NP⟩
restricted NP ⇒ ⟨ᴘʀᴏ⟩
| ⟨ᴅᴇᴛ phrase⟩
| ⟨quotation⟩
| ⟨non-restrictive clause⟩ ⟨restricted NP⟩
| txa ⟨restricted NP⟩
| ⟨ᴄᴏɴᴊ⟩ ⟨restricted NP⟩ ⟨restricted NP⟩ᴅᴇᴛ phrase ⇒ ⟨ᴅᴇᴛ⟩ [ ⟨ᴘʀᴏ⟩ ] ⟨VP⟩
quotation ⇒ tca ⟨quoted word⟩+ tca
quoted word ⇒ ⟨word⟩ - tca - tsa | tsa tca | tsa tsa